Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What's a Pseudo Problem?

You might be wondering what the title of this blog is about.

First off, it's a philosophical term.

Secondly, it sounds cool with my first name, which is Sarah.  "Sarah" starts with an s, "pseudo" has an s sound at the beginning, and "problem" starts with a p just like "pseudo" does.  Basically, I think it sounds and looks pretty.

If none of that convinced you it's a good name for a blog I guess I have to share the actual meaning.  In philosophy there is a theory that some questions really aren't questions at all.  While they grammatically might work as sentences, there meaning as a question isn't all there.  The questions sound right but are actually a result of misusing language. 

This term comes up when talking about the existence of god or free will.  At a really high level you can think of it like people arguing a moot point, or Inigo Montoya explaining that "inconceivable" doesn't mean what Vizzini thinks it does.

Sometimes I wonder if the topics I spend time thinking about are as important and interesting as I think they are, or if they are rediculous and I should be outside playing kick ball or something instead of staring blankly at the tv while comtimplating if casual sex is moral or not.

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