Friday, January 21, 2011

Be Good for Posterity's Sake

Some day when I'm more famous than Randall Munroe, Matt Inman, and Wolf Blitzer combined, people are going to become so enthralled by my blogging skills that they'll push the "Older Posts" button until they find this. If these adoring fans are anything like me, and since they love me they will probably be at least putting in a sporting effort to be just like me, they will expect the first blog post to be one of three things: as crappy as a pilot to a tv show, the inception of the awesomeness they've come to expect, or a mission statement. I don't know what sort of awesome they'll have come to expect and I can't reproduce the poor lighting in every tv pilot just by having a bad font so I will go with the third option.

Mission statement: I'm going to write honestly and with all the personality I can put into a piece of writing. I'm going to try to be funny. Sometimes I might succeed in making you think. Often I'll just be putting a part of me out there for the world to take, ignore, or reject. I'm sorry, but I can't draw. I'm not Randall or Matt or even Allie. I don't even own a camera so I can't take funny pictures to illustrate my blog. Because of this, I expect no one to read anything I write. I love to read and I don't even read blogs without graphics of some sort.

This blog will be comprised of my writing, which means it will be made of me, which means it will include the things I most like. There will be lists. There will be references to shows, books, movies, songs, and general culture. There will be science, philosophy, and silliness. There will be poor spelling and missed typos. There might even be vocabulary.

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