Questions and Answers

If I had readers or commenters I'd totally take their questions and answer them here so that I didn't get asked the same questions over and over again.  But I don't actually have readers so I'm just going to ask myself questions.  I'm probably a better question asker anyway. 

Q: I found a typo in your blog; go fix it!
A: That's not even a question, Sarah.  Way to start this off right.  Yeah, I can't spell.  I actually can use grammar correctly but I choose not to sometimes for the purposes of style and being awesome in the blag-o-sphere.  I am sorry if my poor spelling offends you but I really do try to spell check my posts before putting them into the world.  If you find a mistake you can let me know and I'll edit it out.

Q: I have no idea what you're talking about half the time. Would it kill you to clean up your prose and tell a normal story?
A: It might kill me.  I don't know and I don't want to die so I am totally not going to try it and find out.  I think my writing style is amazing.  No one knows what I'm talking about half the time in real life.  My whole life is pretty much an episode of Gilmore Girls.

Q: What's Gilmore Girls?
A: Google that shit. Also, stop being so young.

Q: Are you a Mac or a PC?
A: I'm a Mac, a Honda, and sometimes I'm a tree.  I might also be a mischievous badger.  And I pinch.

Q: Do you have any deep dark secrets?
A: Of course I do but I'm not sharing them with the blog-o-tubes.  Most of them I've told to either Best Friend or Boyfriend. 

Q: You aren't any fun.
A: My little sister tells me that all the time.