Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is What it Sounds Like

I told myself I was going to be really really smart and blog about things with amazing key words that are totally things people Google but totally not things that get a lot of results, that way I'd show up in the first page or two of results and people would click on this and my stats would improve and I'd feel like my life was validated.  However, I wrote half of a blog post like that and then I stopped writing and actually did work or something and now I don't feel like going back and finishing it. 

Yeah, my idiot ex might have been onto something that time he said I had no follow through.  There's probably a sexual joke I could make right now but I've got nothing. 

Anyway.  Instead of writing something brilliant and tricky that would result in page views, I thought I'd just write about something that's been on my mind lately and hope for the best.

Topic of Interest: People are really messed up and yet they seem to have functional marriages.

People warned me that you'd reach a certain age and figure out that your parents are separate people and their fallible, but I knew that crap when I was 6.  People also told me that as you get older you will realize that you don't feel like an adult but you totally are.  This one is completely true but I hated being a teen so at lest 80% of the time I’m just relived to be in an age group where I can relate to my peers again.  But no one warned me that all adults are totally immature and that it never gets better.

Examples: I know a 40-something frat boy.  My mother dumped her boyfriend for coming over drunk.  My grandmother dumped her boyfriend for being too clingy.  My boss's boss talked about keg stands after I'd known her a month.  People are moving in together and buying houses and having babies and they can't even do simple things.  Why do you own property if you can't remember to buy toilet paper?  How can you have created another human being when you can't spell or when you don't know the difference between tights and pants?  How are you moving in with your boyfriend when you're still afraid of the dark? 

And you know what?  In part I can chock these things up to being someone else's malfunction and that these things are normal but not ideal and maybe they will make mistakes, learn from them, and move on.  But the truth is that most of that stuff is just life.  Sometimes it even works out okay. 

I worry about boyfriend and me not being right for each other for all sorts of reasons.  I'm seriously concerned that if we end up married that at some point I'm going to take his DS-Whatever or his smart phone and I'm going to chuck that shit out of the window because all of his games beep.  Then I go read a blog or flip on TLC and there are real women with real issues and these men totally love them.  These men totally do not want to throw anything out a window even when their wives do the most obnoxious things. 

The whole thing just makes me think that I'm like the Prince song "When the Doves Cry" and I'm totally like his mother and his father because I'm bold, if by bold we mean I blurt a lot and I am never satisfied.  Mostly I was thinking of the second part.  Maybe I'm Prince's sister. 

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