Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Page Views - They're Just Like Romance

Like most of the great bloggers, I fell into this trap where I didn't really have a blog "mission" so my posts ended up being about these five-really-great-ideas-I-had-all-at-once and there were all lot of those great ideas and some of them were even cohesive enough to travel out of my brain and into the keyboard so I could share them with all of you. 

And then the honeymoon period ended.  Blogging wasn't this shiny new thing I was trying out that could be a relic of my 20-something years like my MySpace posts were for my teens, and it also didn't seem to be something that was going to show the world how I was super cool and awesome like Yo Mamma or Allie Brosh.  I was on the lookout for my relationship with Boyfriend to get all un-honeymoon-ish like that (it hasn't, by the way) but I wasn't ready for the shine to wear off of Blogger. 

Sorry, Blogger.  It isn't your fault. 

But like most great bloggers I'll power on and through and up and forward and possibly at least four other prepositions. And in the mean time, people have actually come across my blog!  I don't even think all of them are the two people I told about my blog because I checked the stats and it looks like people have stumbled across my blog from Google searches and have done so from the far reaches of the world.  Awesome. 

I also noticed that they're coming across it when googling what a pseudo problem actually is.  I guess that means maybe they didn't actually want to read a blog.  On the plus side, it makes me think that presenting quasi-philosophical facts in a humorous manner might actually get me more page views.  Page views bring the romance back into my blogging relationship. 

Now, actual followers, commenters, internet friends...that will have to wait.  I'm ambitious but not stupid.

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