Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Naptime to the Max

Contrite - deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong

Sometimes, and this happened to me yesterday, I achieve the sort of tiredness at work which doesn't feel like it can be fixed by getting up and wandering about the building or even by a double shot of espresso topped with hot chocolate mix. 

It feels like only by closing my eyes and curling up in a ball under my desk with my fleece hoodie as a pillow will I ever feel like a normal human being again.  I end up imagining my inner child as the brown haired version of the squiggly girl Allie draws herself as in Hyperbole and a Half.  Squiggle Sarah is sitting on my shoulder being all two dimensional and whiny and she looks up and me and says: "Whyyyyyyy can't we take a nap RIGHT NOW?" I look down at her with droopy eyes and I don't even have a response.  It's not like I'm very productive at work when I get like that.  I'll probably end up staring at abc's news home page not doing any work at all. 

The kicker is I know that even though in that moment I feel like I would sell my left kidney for a nap, as soon as I get through the rest of the afternoon and drag my butt out the door, I'll start to feel a little bit better.  I'll listen to some tunes on the way home, I'll talk to Roommate when I get home, I'll pet her cat, and then I won't want to take a nap anymore.  I'll want to watch The Simpsons and eat baked Doritos while catching up on facebook. 

Realizing this makes me feel contrite; I just want a nap right then.  I want the sleep.  I become my inner child.  Rawr.

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